明慧网 1999年12月09日 星期四 全部文章 大陆消息:顽强护法,堂堂正正修炼 克林顿总统宣布12月10日为“人权日”,12月10日开始为“人权周”(英文) 时刻和法在一起 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 大陆消息:顽强护法,堂堂正正修炼 【明慧网1999年12月9日】【12月8日大陆消息】 进京上访、勇敢护法的成都某地区三名大法学员和成都某公司五名大法学员于12月6日晚被押解回成都,受到成都双林警方的严厉拘留和苛刻讯问,大法弟子仍然丝毫不为所动,更加坚定。办案干警受到上级压力,面对如此顽强的大法弟子又无可奈何,普遍情绪低落。 另,成都市郊县七名法轮大法学员前日抵达北京,在某处开始弘法。 【12月7日大陆消息】 上周末我们这一地区的辅导员约二三十人在一起进行了交流,去北京上访的学员谈了他们在北京及在拘留所里的体会,感到在那样的环境中提高的很快,执著心也放得快;在家里的学员也谈了从身边做起,堂堂正正修炼的体会。 大家讨论今后如何组织大家集体学法炼功的问题,怎样多通过交流使更多的人从偷偷炼的状态中走出来,敢于在任何环境中堂堂正正地表明自己坚修大法的态度。 今天我们许多学员又在一起交流了七月二十日以来的体会,这是七月以来我们这儿第一次这样大面积的学员在一起交流,学员们从早上八点一直交流到下午三点,中间读了广州九九中国法会的资料,大家都是流着泪在听。通过交流原先怕心很重的学员一下子提高上来了,大家都表示要走出原来那种胆胆突突的状态,堂堂正正地修炼,还要鼓励更多的人坚定修炼,争取早日大家集体走出去炼功,证实大法的正确和表明我们坚定修炼的心。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 克林顿总统宣布12月10日为“人权日”,12月10日开始为“人权周”(英文) 【明慧网1999年12月9日】THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release December 7, 1999 HUMAN RIGHTS DAY, BILL OF RIGHTS DAY, AND HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK, 1999 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION President Carter once said, "America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense, it~s the other way around. Human rights invented America." Human rights have been an integral part of America~s history since the birth of our Nation more than two centuries ago. Refusing to accept tyranny and oppression, our founders secured a better way of life with our Constitution and Bill of Rights. These revolutionary documents have continued to protect our cherished freedoms of religion, speech, press, and assembly and to preserve the principles of equality, liberty, and justice that lie at the heart of our national identity. As Americans, we have always strived to advance these rights and values both at home and abroad, and just as our founders sought a brighter future for our Nation, we envision a better future for our world. One of our most powerful tools in realizing that vision has been the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the United Nations General Assembly approved in December of 1948. It is not surprising that this document, which owed so much to the courage, imagination, and leadership of Eleanor Roosevelt, reaffirms in tone, thought, and language our own great charters of freedom. To honor Mrs. Roosevelt"s legacy, and to acknowledge those who follow her example of commitment to human rights around the world, last year we established the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights. In the 51 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration, the United Nations has developed numerous legal instruments that specify the rights and obligations contained in the document, and the international community has made encouraging progress toward improving human rights for people of all nations. Today, more individuals than ever before are living in representative democracies where they can exercise their right to freely choose their own government. The international community responded vigorously to halt ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and is helping the people of East Timor not only to achieve legal recognition of their independence but also to develop the institutions they need to thrive as an independent and secure state. But despite this heartening progress, there are still many regions of the world where human rights are daily denied and aspirations to freedom routinely crushed. Our work is still far from complete. Rising to these challenges, we in the United States have strengthened our commitment to improving international human rights. To enable the world community to react more quickly to genocidal conditions, we have established a genocide early warning system. We continue to fund nongovernmental organizations that respond rapidly to human rights emergencies. And we have created an interagency working group to help implement the human rights treaties we have already ratified and to make recommendations on treaties we have yet to ratify. We also continue to be a world leader in the fight to eliminate exploitative and abusive child labor. Last week, I signed the instrument of ratification of the International Labor Organization"s Convention on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor, declaring on behalf of the American people that we simply will not tolerate child slavery, the sale or trafficking of children, child prostitution or pornography, forced or compulsory child labor, and hazardous work that harms the health, safety, and morals of children. Through these and other initiatives, America continues to reaffirm both at home and across the globe our fundamental belief in human dignity and our unchanging reverence for human rights. NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 10, 1999, as Human Rights Day; December 15, 1999, as Bill of Rights Day; and the week beginning December 10, 1999, as Human Rights Week. I call upon the people of the United States to celebrate these observances with appropriate activities, ceremonies, and programs that demonstrate our national commitment to the Bill of Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and promotion and protection of human rights for all people. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of December, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-fourth. WILLIAM J. CLINTON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 时刻和法在一起 【明慧网1999年12月9日】 下面我谈一下上访过程中悟到的一点体会。 我想我们作为法轮大法的弟子,也就是法中的一分子,应当时时刻刻和法联系在一起,那么当大法在人间遭到如此破坏、师父被通缉,我们的同修为了向世人和政府证实师父的清白和法轮大法的伟大时,被无端地打骂和虐待,受尽了折磨,可是他们还是在用善的一面不计个人得失,不畏艰难地向政府和世人证实大法是正确的、不是说教与唯心,直到被送进监狱,还在坚持学法炼功,那么这一切说明了什么呢?如果真是一个真正的炼功人,对这一切还能无动于衷吗?不要说那是他们自己的难,不要为自己放不下的执著找借口,因为他们在走证实大法的路。如果你真是法中的一分子,就应当时时和法在一起。针对你个人的磨难你要忍受,可是给宇宙中一切生命开创了不同生存环境的宇宙大法在人间遭到如此破坏、传授我们大法的师父被通缉,我们的心还能无动于衷吗?如果你还能不动心,如果真是那样,我不知道我们的修炼还有什么意义? 有人说:护法是神的事,各个空间都有护法神,那么人类这一层的法由谁来守护呢?如果是神来守护的话,那么常人谁还敢来破坏大法?不要想通过什么外在的力量来维护大法,不要想通过什么神迹来达到证实大法的目的。如果真是那样,我们这些修炼人的位置如何摆放?师父说过:我们的修炼是和正法分不开的(大意如此)。师父在海外曾呼吁各国政府和善良的人们关注一下在中国发生的法轮功问题,那么,那些善良的人们和关注法轮功问题的国家是不是在摆放他们的位置呢?如果是通过什么社会力量和善良的人们改变这一状态,那么我们这些修炼人的位置又如何摆放? 我们作为法中的一分子,维护大法是任何人都取代不了的。在大法遭到破坏、师父被通缉时,我们还能坚定实修吗?不要把自己放不下的执著找借口,不要把自己的“修炼”看得那么重,因为我们所修炼的大法正在被人破坏;不要把自己的“圆满”看得那么重,因为我们的师父在遭人类责难。师父为度我们脱离苦海,不惜在人间遭此磨难,我们作为弟子又谈何修炼?证实大法的路虽然艰难,要放下世间的很多东西,可比起伟大的宇宙真理还有什么值得我们留恋呢?宇宙的一切都是大法开创的,没有大法的救度就没有一切。师父在《位置》中讲到:“一个伟大的修炼者就是能在重大考验中,放下自我,以至一切常人的思想。”我们作为弟子,应当首先做什么?如果还在想自己的修炼,如何提高,那么是不是自己在给自己安排修炼的路呢?真正修炼的路是师父给安排的,提高的环境是法给开创的,我们只有证实大法、维护大法,不带有任何自己的目的,无所求地去做,那才是真正提高的因素。 有人说“上访”是有为之事,不要去做,那么我们为了生存,在人间所做的一切是不是有为之事呢?那为什么还要去做呢?证实大法的事为什么就不去做呢?难道这只是怕做有为之事吗?还是因为上访的路艰难,证实大法的路难走,而找借口掩盖自己放不下的执著?如果真是这样,那谁也骗不了,只能是骗自己。 师父曾经讲过:“度人唯有求正才能去你们的执著心”。那么上访的路、证实大法的路是不是在求正呢?当然求正的路上满是艰难,也正因为难,在求正的过程中才能放下一切执著。要想全部放下,一两个过程是不够的,很多功友抱着有求之心走出家门,没有达到目的以后,就再也不想出去了。经文《再去执著》中写到:“为什么就不敢再放一下,再走一步哪?”如果什么事一做就成,谁都去做了。我认为自己树立了正确的认识:人间的法得不到证实,我是不会停止上访的,直到活动自由的失去和生命的终结。 我在多次离家上访的过程中,真正地悟到了生命为什么伟大?只因为是法的一分子。我们的修炼为什么了不起,是因为和维护大法联系在一起。 以上只是我个人的几点体会。 某省法轮大法弟子 1999年12月6日